About Naina Madan


From CA to advertising to writing, life has been a true roller-coaster ride. Not that I mind it. When not figuring out how to earn money to finance the travel, coffee and books, I am day-dreaming the travel, the coffee smell and virtually sniffing through new released books.

Posts by Naina Madan:

12 Cities That Never Sleep And Won’t Let You Either

“Night life is when you get up with a hangover in the morning. Night life is when everybody says what the hell and you do not remember who paid the bill. Night life goes round and round and you look at the wall to make it stop. Night life comes out of a bottle and(…)

13 Museums That Redefine Bizarre And Weird

13 Museums That Redefine Bizarre And Weird

A splash of art, some dash of history and a little slice of preserved literature, museums have always been the window to the times gone by. A walk through a museum is often to romance with the past, appreciate the artist’s vision in the form of the exhibit and linger on a little longer than(…)

10 Reasons Why Travel Is THE Solution To Your Midlife Crisis

Midlife crisis, noun: a time in middle age when a person feels a strong desire for change (as defined by Merriam Webster). Supposedly happening somewhere in the 30s to 40s, midlife crisis brings along feelings of anxiety, stress, restlessness and often, regrets of missing out on things. People resort to splurging money on expensive shoes,(…)

How Many Of These 31 Travel Stories Did You Make Your Own In 2014?

Traveler, tourist, solo traveler, travel-crazy couple, offbeat destination lover or a luxury vacation seeker, whatever kind of travel you indulge in, every trip and experience is precious to you. When it comes to your travels in the year 2014, won’t it be fun to trace back and see how many of these were you able(…)