About Deepti Balani

People professionally know me as a copy editor, correspondent and a writer, but writing is something I do even when I am not professionally engaged. I like to visit new places, explore, experience different cultures and share my perspective through words. Writing for food, travel and books is something that comes naturally, and is close to my heart.

Posts by Deepti Balani:

Travel 2015: Find out what’s In Vogue

The ending year always sees us a little bit different than when it started, we don’t come out the same way we went in. It’s time to move on and lay the groundwork for this year. The brand New Year is here, and so are some brand new ways to sail through it. Going on(…)

14 Golden Rules Of Air Travel Etiquette

Business suit check, heels check, the notebook check, frequent flyers platinum card check, you are dressed to the hilt, but have you brushed up on your air travel etiquette lately? Airports and aircrafts are not anymore only about swanky spaces. Travelling by air at one point was the most thrilling and glamorous way of travelling,(…)

Jet Lag Decoded: All you Need to Know

Also known as zone change syndrome, Jet Lag throws our body clock off balance when we travel rapidly on a jet across different time zones. To put it in plain words, when we fly to a different time zone, our body gets confused, and in a bid to bring back the balance, we need to(…)