Travelling around South America for 76 days, in $4.9K. Really!
By Deepti Ahuja Balani On 11 Nov, 2014 At 04:59 PM | Categorized As Buzz in Town, Getting Around | With 0 Comments
How on earth is it possible? Singaporean blogger, Hendric Tay, who writes for the blog, has been there, and done that thus, proving to the world it is indeed possible. In his blog, Tay has penned down advice on how to travel on a low budget, however he points out that this blog does not suggest on how to travel around South America with the least money possible. This interesting entry has gained a lot of traction, since there are many who would want to travel to places on such low budgets. Tay, also points out that his blog does not even suggest cheap and uncomfortable ways of getting around. He points out that he might not have been extravagant in his affairs but tried to scrimp and save, while trying to satisfy his wanderlust. The bulk of his expenditure was spent on transport and activities; the next in line was accommodation and food, while the least was spent on drinking, binging and parties. Some important things that helped him last longer:

• Choosing the right accommodation, a hostel over a hotel
• Opting for public transport
• Beforehand research helped save more
• Avoided buying drinks while dining

There are several other ways through which Tay ensured he spent well within the budget. He has elaborated his journey on his blog, and the tips he provides live up to any budget-friendly backpacker’s fascination.

About - People professionally know me as a copy editor, correspondent and a writer, but writing is something I do even when I am not professionally engaged. I like to visit new places, explore, experience different cultures and share my perspective through words. Writing for food, travel and books is something that comes naturally, and is close to my heart.

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