
Things to Remember when Travelling with Kids

Travelling with kids is a special task, more so with toddlers. They are always hungry and always loud. But that doesn’t mean you have to leave your kids behind with relatives or friends. Traveling with kids is also a highly enriching experience. Having kids on vacation can and will be difficult at times, but it’s(…)

Best Travel Apps While on the Road

God bless technology, we now have more travel apps available in mobiles and cars than the number of traffic signals we encounter on our journey! When you are on the road, there are a hundred emergencies – sometimes you wanna take a leak, at times your car needs petrol; there’s a change of plan and(…)

The Top 5 free Travel Apps this Season

I have never been a tech-savvy person. But you’ve got to change with the times, or evolution will leave you behind. It’s no more Surivival of the Fittest, this is Survival of the Techiest. The travel app (there are like a gazillion of them now) – you can love ‘em, you can hate ‘em, but(…)

Why Road Trips will always be the BESTEST Trips

Remember when you were a kid and went on those fun family road trips? Remember when you were in college and would say anything to convince your parents to let you go on those road trips, the memories of which will be cherished for a lifetime? Remember now when all of that is lost in(…)

7 International Trips under Rs 50,000

Once upon a time Julius Caeser said “Veni vidi vici”. When translated to English it means “I came, I saw, I conquered” but methinks he was showing off a bit. Not that we should grudge him that joy, face it we are talking about a dude who captured half of the western world and managing(…)

WAH’s Top Ten English Road Trip Songs

  Well, last time around we put up a blog on the Top Ten ‘Bollywood’ Road Trip Songs. This time, we have compiled for you a list of best road trip songs (English).  Of course, there will be many other songs that might compete for a position in the list, and you can add them(…)

Top Ten Bollywood Road Trip Songs

So yesterday we were sitting doing what we usually do, some exploring travel destinations, some creating marketing plans, some strategizing itineraries and me, well me delighting everyone with my sheer presence. In the middle of all that exploring and delighting, a customer called up regarding a road trip he was planning to undertake. After a(…)