No, we don’t want to join the media buzz in the intent to scare the life out of you, neither do we mean to be the harbingers of bad omen to your travel plans. We are harmless, rather life saving! Accept it or not, the flu season is not over yet and those nasty germs will take a little more time and effort to leave us in peace. So, this one is for a splendid execution of your grand travel plans while giving the bugs a run around.

1. Cut yourself some slack

It’s not always important to be always be on your guard watching out for some misadventure. This would build stress, and believe us, stress is the last thing you would want when you are out for a holiday. Plus, stress can hit your immunity big time. So, follow some simple thumb rules and relax.

2. Use Sanitizers

We all do, but some still suspect its might. They work fabulously well and can be the most effective solution at hand while travelling. Goes without saying, wash your hands as an when needed, especially before consuming food. Also, sanitize your surrounding space, like the food tray, armrests and touch screens on a plane

3. Get vaccinated well in advance

First things first, it’s important to get yourself covered against the flu prevalent for the season. Each year a different strain of the vaccine is available in the start of the winters. Now, every vaccine takes 3-4 weeks to take effect and provide maximum possible immunity against the virus, so get vaccinated much before you are planning to travel.

4. Stay away from people who look unwell

Might sound mean, but safety first. If you suspect someone of cold and flu, excuse yourself away from them. You can also ask flight attendants to change your seat, especially so if you have some chronic illness or a compromised immune system.

5. Step-up your immunity

Zinc, Thymic protein A and vitamin C is the answer to your prayers. All of these can boost your immunity in no time. It’s advisable to include these supplements a few days prior to travelling and while you are at it. Take medical advice before you do so, though. Also get enough sleep, not because you want some awesome pictures from your holiday, but also because its the most effective way of strengthening immunity.

6. Stay at home! Really?

Yes, if you have some chronic illness or despite all the precautions you’ve caught the bug, for your own sake and others, it’s best not to venture out on this trip.

7. Avoid touching your face

Be mindful of touching hands nose and mouth. Logic: Highly contagious virus and bacteria like H1N1, Norovirus and Ebola enter our bodies through nostrils and food that we ingest.

8. Smartly deal with germ hot-spots

Public bathrooms, doorknobs, handrails are cesspools of notorious bacteria and viruses. But at the same time can’t be completely avoided. Just do yourself some favour by handling the knobs, taps and toilet seats with disposable tissues. Do that, despite the fear of being tagged as a freako!

9. Choose well-ventilated and less crowded places

If travelling by airplane open your air vents, all you have to do is to make sure you are sitting in a well ventilated space, be it train, buses or planes. Also, avoid crowded spaces where germs can travel much faster and this also increases your chance to contract an infection.

10. Keep yourself hydrated

Avoid alcohol that leads to dehydration and compromised immunity. Drink lots of juices and H2O to help your body naturally flush toxins and foreign particles. Also keep a saline nasal spray handy. The low pressure environment in an airplane tends to dehydrate your body.

11. Don’t forget to pack your med-essentials

Antibiotics, tissues, nasal spray, saline drops, inhalers and anti-diarrhoeal and everything that you might need in case you fall prey to one of the ailments while travelling.

12. Simple, natural and free

Even if you are not carrying any meds or immunity boosters, you can rely on these natural things to fight the germs on the go. Include yogurt in your meals to strengthen immunity. Another easy way to boost immunity is to expose yourself to sunlight, the sunshine vitamin D can help you to keep going strong.

Please note that even if these nasty little germs launch a full-blown war against the humankind, we will always have these simple solutions to outsmart them, because nobody can stop us from travelling around the world.


Deepti Ahuja Balani

People professionally know me as a copy editor, correspondent and a writer, but writing is something I do even when I am not professionally engaged. I like to visit new places, explore, experience different cultures and share my perspective through words. Writing for food, travel and books is something that comes naturally, and is close to my heart.

